By Real World Health Care Editorial Staff  |  Nov 29, 2021

Give the Gift of Health this Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday has inspired millions of people around the globe to unleash the power of their generosity to help others. The concept behind the movement is one that Real World Health Care and our sponsor, the HealthWell Foundation, hold close to our collective hearts as part of our shared commitment to supporting patient communities.

The financial assistance HealthWell provides to help patients afford lifesaving medications and treatments isn’t abstract. It’s very real, as you’ll read below in a letter from Tom and Nelly, whose lives were upended by health issues. HealthWell was able to help Tom and Nelly, as well as thousands of others every year, thanks to the generous support of individual and corporate donors.

Tom and Nelly’s Story: Striving to Live with Grace and Dignity

We want to express our profound gratitude [to the HealthWell Foundation] for honoring my husband, Tom, by awarding him a grant to support him through his journey with ALS. Tom was formally diagnosed with ALS, which is also known as Lou Gehrig’ disease, on August 3, 2017, when he was just 59 years old.

Tom and Nelly

Tom and Nelly

This illness attacks you from every conceivable angle – psychologically, mentally, physically, and financially to name a few – and most of them you are not prepared for. ALS has robbed us of life as we knew it, including Tom losing his speech, his mobility and his livelihood.

 However, it has not robbed him of his mind, heart, sense of humor, or the example he sets for others. The words in this note speak from both of our hearts. In the face of overwhelming adversity, we have strived to live through Tom’s ALS diagnosis with grace and dignity.

While he has also been hospitalized dozens of times, Tom wishes to live life to its fullest and in our home. Consequently, the progression of his disease required me to quit work to become his full-time caregiver. Without any paychecks coming in, our savings have been depleted by relentless medical bills and ongoing household expenses.

 ALS is a very alienating illness. It is so misunderstood, and not known about, that friends, family and even some medical professionals try and keep a clear distance because they don’t understand the illness. When we heard about the HealthWell Foundation, we were stunned that there was someone out there who was ready, willing and able to help us financially.

 Your grant has been a lifeline and a blessing to our family during this difficult time. With sincere gratitude, we thank you.

-Nelly L., Sanford, Florida

Patients with Chronic or Life-Altering Illnesses Need Your Support

This Giving Tuesday, Real World Health Care encourages you to participate in the global generosity movement, whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, standing up for an issue or people you care about, or giving some of what you have to those who need your help.

Every act of generosity counts – and everyone has something to give. If you would like to help patients like Tom afford the medical care they need, visit to make your Giving Tuesday donation. You can make a difference.

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