• By Linda Barlow  |  Aug 10, 2016

    Focusing on Recovery, Not Financial Burdens

    During the month of August, Real World Health Care will take a short break from focusing on medical breakthroughs and the researchers who are shaping the future of medicine. We will instead bring you a special series from our sponsor, the HealthWell Foundation, about what happens when families cannot afford…more.

  • By Krista Zodet, President/CEO, HealthWell Foundation  |  Nov 1, 2013

    Help A Sick Child this Holiday Season

    No family should ever have to wonder whether they can afford to save their child’s life, but that very question haunts families all over the country, every day. Through the HealthWell Pediatric Assistance Fund,® however, we are working to change that — because no adult or child should go without health care because…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings
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