• By Linda Barlow  |  Aug 6, 2013

    When the Health Care Blogger Becomes the Cancer Patient

    The call came the day after my 48th birthday in April. “The radiologist saw something suspicious on your mammogram from last week…an undetermined mass,” said the voice on the other end of the phone. “We’d like you to come in for an ultrasound so we can see better.” During the ultrasound…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings
  • By Mary P. Sundeen, President, The HealthWell Foundation  |  May 2, 2013

    Heroes Needed: Apply Within

    We’re taking a departure today from our coverage of what works in American health care to ask for your help. Patients want us to re-open our Breast Cancer Fund at HealthWell, but we can’t successfully do that until we identify several key companies or organizations to partner with us in…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings
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