Please be aware that the HealthWell Foundation has detected individuals fraudulently using our donation form to test credit card numbers. HealthWell will never charge an individual’s card without their consent and we are working with our credit card vendor to remedy this issue. Our cybersecurity stopped 99% of the fraudulent attempts, and we are working to refund any cards that were charged. We apologize for this inconvenience. We routinely test the strength of our cybersecurity protection, which is why we were able to stop virtually all of the attempted transactions.

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  • By Krista Zodet, President/CEO, HealthWell Foundation  |  Dec 19, 2013

    Be a HealthWell Hero for Patients This Holiday Season

    “HealthWell literally saved my life.” If we told you that the perfect holiday gift could help save a life, you probably wouldn’t believe us. Think again. You’ll make a sick person’s wish come true when you give the gift of health to patients in urgent need of financial assistance by donating…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings
  • By Krista Zodet, President/CEO, HealthWell Foundation  |  Dec 3, 2013

    Give Patients the Gift of Hope and Health by Supporting HealthWell for #GivingTuesday

    We are proud to announce that the HealthWell Foundation – an independent 501(c)(3) charity that provides financial assistance to insured patients living with chronic and life-altering illnesses – is joining the #GivingTuesday campaign, which launches today. 100 percent of your donation to HealthWell goes directly to grants and services that will…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings