• By Linda Barlow  |  Jul 17, 2013

    Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month Underscores Efforts to Identify Causes and Develop Treatments

    That’s right. Children get arthritis too. In fact, according to the Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF), nearly 300,000 children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with juvenile arthritis (JA) – one of the most common childhood diseases in the country. When Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) first shows its symptoms in a child’s…more.

  • By Shawn J. Green, PhD, Co-founder, Berkeley Test  |  Jul 16, 2013

    More Patients DASH to New Solution to Reduce High Blood Pressure: Part I

    What’s the solution to reversing the tide of hypertension, the most commonly diagnosed condition in the United States?  More evidence indicates that the answer begins with the food choices we make every day. An underlying cause of heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease, one in three American adults now experiences…more.

  • By Linda Barlow  |  Jul 10, 2013

    Are Shorter Doctor’s Office Wait Times Just a Phone Call Away?

    Nobody likes to wait, especially at the doctor’s office. No one knows for sure what will happen to wait times, which average from about 16 minutes to just over 24 minutes nationwide according to Vitals – as 30 million more Americans obtain health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act. But it stands to reason…more.

    Categories: Access to Care
  • By Paul DeMiglio  |  Jul 9, 2013

    Good for Your Body and Your Budget

    Does stocking your shelves with nutritious foods always mean breaking your budget at the grocery store or local market? You probably think the answer is yes, but what we found might shock you. Dawn Undurraga, a consulting nutritionist for the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and registered dietitian, tells a different…more.

    Categories: Cost-Savings
  • By Linda Barlow  |  Jul 2, 2013

    HPV Vaccine Reduces Infection Rates in Teen Girls

    Since the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was introduced in 2006, vaccine-type HPV prevalence has decreased by 56 percent among females 14-19 years old, according to a new study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. Although the vast majority of HPV infections do…more.

  • By Linda Barlow  |  Jun 27, 2013

    Real-Time Health Alerts Join Twitter to Expand Access to Public Health Information

    Is Twitter now monitoring your allergies or sleeping patterns? In today’s era of real-time information, Twitter has emerged as a leading go-to source for the latest in news, entertainment and more. Now, Twitter is joining Everyday Health, Inc. to create HealthBeat, the first global real-time health alert and news offering. The partnership seeks to provide…more.

    Categories: Access to Care
  • By Paul DeMiglio  |  Jun 19, 2013

    Does More Data = More Accurate Results?

    Every year U.S. News & World Report comes out with its “Best Hospitals” rankings, and providers wear them like a badge of honor. No doubt the recognition is prestigious. But how many people know why hospitals are ranked as they are? We decided to dig a little deeper and break…more.

  • By Linda Barlow  |  Jun 13, 2013

    More Patients Choosing Hospice “Comfort Care” Option

    In today’s health care environment, so much attention is paid to preventing and eradicating disease to improve health outcomes. But for patients facing terminal illness or life-limiting conditions, accessing quality care can be a frightening and lonely challenge. That’s where hospice comes in as an option for more and more people.…more.

  • By Linda Barlow  |  Jun 6, 2013

    Patient Venture Philanthropies: Catalyzing the Development and Delivery of Therapeutic Breakthroughs

    How are patient-focused organizations making tangible advances in creating life-saving and life-enhancing therapeutic innovations? The experiences of at least two foundations show that collaboration with stakeholders across industries – private, government, academia, insurers and clinicians – is a good place to start. One example of success is JDRF (formerly the…more.