Alicia (Karis’ Mom)

Dear HealthWell Foundation,
I write this with love and gratitude in my heart for people I have never met. HealthWell Foundation provided my family with the “kick start” we needed at the time we needed it. HealthWell was there for us at a time I felt no one else was.
I don’t think I can put into words how it feels to bring your five-year-old daughter to the clinic thinking she has a bladder infection then finding yourself 1.5 hours away admitted to a children’s hospital because your daughter has Type-1 Diabetes (T1D). The whirlwind of that week still gives me chills. But, as a parent, you make it through. There are no vacations from being a parent and there are no vacations from being a parent of a T1D child. During that week there were no thoughts in my mind about how much the test would cost or how much it would cost to stay in the hospital. I wasn’t wondering if the hospital was in-network or not (thankfully it was!). Those types of questions just don’t come up when your child’s health is in question. I would never want money to factor into my daughter’s health care. I’d sell my house and everything I own if I had to.
We arrived at the pharmacy after being discharged and I was shocked to learn how incredibly expensive diabetic testing supplies were! I grabbed a credit card and paid for them, of course. This started my journey of costs. How would I afford this? I thought I had a copay! What do you mean there are no generic prescriptions for diabetic testing supplies? Several phone calls to the insurance company and in the end I was devastated and defeated. Until I found HealthWell Foundation.
HealthWell Foundation’s Pediatric Assistance grant is helping to pay for my daughter’s diabetic testing supplies, my co-insurance for her hospital and clinic visits, and her insulin pump if and when she is ready for one. The money that the Pediatric Assistance grant provides helps to relieve the financial burden that was thrust upon us December 2. I don’t think “thank you” accurately conveys my appreciation.
Thank you, HealthWell Foundation, from the bottom of my heart…. Thank you!
Alicia (Karis’ Mom) – Marshall, MN