Linda, Las Cruces, NM

My husband and I are proud to be self-sufficient. We raised our three daughters, worked all our lives, and did what was right without needing anybody else’s help. We relied upon each other. When Jerry was diagnosed with cancer, we thought we could handle it. But the challenges piled up faster than we could manage – emotionally and financially.
When he began to lose weight, it got a little alarming. We found him a nutritional supplement, a shake that he could tolerate. The fact that it’s expensive shouldn’t matter because it’s keeping him going. But after our health care bills, we found we didn’t have much left to purchase things like this – things that made Jerry more comfortable and caring for his cancer a little easier.
This is a good man – loving and kind. He’s taken care of me and our daughters. He’s always been there for us. If I can ease even a moment of his suffering, I want to do it. And then we learned about HealthWell. I’ve learned that you’re funded by the contributions of normal people like us, and I know I can’t thank every person who ever wrote you a check. But I can thank you. By giving us a grant that pays our insurance deductible, you’ve given us peace of mind – and the security to know that we’ll be able to pay our bills.
Jerry has been in chemo for two years now and only God knows what’s next, but we’ll get through it. Thank you so much for your help. This is the first time in our fifty years together that we’ve needed a boost, and you were there when we needed you.
God bless you.