Helen - Yuba City, CA

Helen with her husband and dog in a sunflower field.

Dear HealthWell Foundation, my family and I would like to thank you so much for helping us during our time of need. In 2011, we found out that I would need a second liver transplant and we had not even recovered financially from the first transplant 4.5 years before. I would now need additional medicine. We didn’t know how we were going to pay for it as our household income is slightly over the eligibility requirement for most programs. We were desperate. Then I heard about the HealthWell Foundation from one of the pharmaceutical companies. With the grant from HealthWell, I was able to get the transplant medications I needed.

In November 2014, I was able to call your office and make a donation. With my donation, I repaid what I received. I also gave extra so that your foundation can continue to help people like me – people who don’t have programs available to them because of their income. People who have worked hard all of their lives to own a home and are in danger of losing it because of a sudden medical crisis. God bless all of you! Please keep up the good work helping those in need. Many thanks!


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