Program Updates

A Brief Recap of Our Exciting Third Quarter
In October alone, we launched two new funds, one for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections and, just this week, a fund to assist breast cancer patients on Medicare with their cost-sharing obligations for treatment. You can learn more about these and other funds by visiting our Diseases and Medications page.

Earlier in the third quarter, we further enhanced our online offering to pharmacies through the launch of a dedicated Pharmacy Portal. Pharmacies can now enjoy real-time access to information for their patients with HealthWell grants. Through the portal, users are now able to access information on grant balance, payments, and grant caps. And that’s not all! We recently debuted our Pharmacy Portal Utilization Video. This online tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to register and manage real-time information. We hope you enjoy this new feature.

Finally, it’s time to start thinking about re-enrollment. The team encourages individuals to review their grant period end date now and re-enroll as soon as possible.  Remember, you can start the re-enrollment process up to 30 days prior to the grant end date AND you can do it all online. Patients can re-enroll via the online application available on our website. Providers and pharmacies, just select the appropriate portal, register (if you haven’t already), and get the re-enrollment process started. Of course, you are always welcome to contact a HealthWell representative directly Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 800-675-8416. Remember, funding is available on a first-come, first-served bases, so don’t delay.

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