b'Lets begin in 1967; I had been married fifteen years with three children. While operating a crane on a construction site, I engaged a high-power line carrying thirteen thousand volts of electricity. This you might say was a bump in the road of life costing me a right arm, left thumb, and right ear. I overcame the bump and completed thirty-five years of service before retiring. In 1994, I had to have a quadruple heart bypass, another bump in the road. All is going well. Then in 2012, my white blood count was sky high. Another bump. What could be wrong? It was Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). With more testing, I encountered another bump, which turned out to be lung cancer. This was eliminated on January2, 2013, by surgery. But, lets go back to the CML. This disease can be controlled by a small pill taken once a day. This pill has an astronomical cost but is necessary to keep me alive. While it is extremely important to take it, the cost can financially destroy me. What could I do? This was truly a big bump, but through the staff at my oncology center, I was introduced to and accepted by the HealthWell Foundation. To the foundation, I will be forever grateful. How do you say thank you to an organization who gives you life, peace of mind, and a future? From the bottom of my heart, thank you and God bless you!Cliff B.Faith, NCChronic Myeloid Leukemia Fund'