b'Honoring Our Commitment to Our Mission and Stakeholders Through Compliance and Transparency 2019 was a prodigious year for the HealthWell Foundation, one thatCompliance and Transparencyallowed us to continue our unwavering commitment to the thousandsCharitable patient assistance programs (CPAPs), like of underinsured Americans who reach out to us each year forthe HealthWell Foundation, are structured, governed assistance. In fact, 2019 represented the most impactful and productiveand operated in compliance with federal legal and year since HealthWells inception in 2003.regulatory requirements and are subject to oversight Our extraordinary impact would not have been possible without theby the U.S. Department of Health and Human continued trust and support of the Foundations dedicated corporateServices, Office of Inspector General (OIG) whose and individual donors who help us carry out our mission to reducemission is to protect the integrity of federal health financial barriers to care for patients with chronic or life-alteringcare programs. We continue to run our programs in diseases. On behalf of our Board of Directors, our staff, and those wefull compliance with federal guidance that governs the serve, thank you for trusting the HealthWell Foundation to carry outcopayment assistance industry and continue to follow our mission to fulfill a critical, unmet need. the highest ethical standards. Our standard puts the In 2019, HealthWell received record contributions of more than $480patient first over all else. million, thanks to the generosity of our donors, which allowed usThe HealthWell Foundation is, like other CPAPs, to broaden our funds across a variety of disease areas and increasefunded in majority by donations from the the number of patients we assist through our programs. This totalpharmaceutical industry, and we are required to exceeded our 2018 record of $427 million, which allowed HealthWelloperate independently from our donors. The OIG to be ranked #33 on the Forbes List of the 100 Largest U.S. Charities,has provided strict guidance for how CPAPs should where we were also recognized for our efficiency and transparency. be structured to avoid potential fraud and abuse. We are humbled that, since awarding our first grant in 2004 throughAs the government has announced a number of the end of 2019, we have provided over $1.67 billion in financialrecent enforcement actions, we continue to follow assistance to over 500,000 patients who otherwise would have nowherethat guidance to the letter and have focused on else to turn. During 2019, we were proud to: maintaining compliance, independence, and transparency since our inception. Award more than $610 million in medication copay and premiumAs CPAPs continued to endure scrutiny from the grants to over 150,000 underinsured Americansa growth ofnational media and federal agencies, we remained more than 32,000 patients over 2018.steadfast to our commitment to lead by example. We Launch or re-open 27 different disease area funds.operate within the parameters of our favorable OIG opinion and subsequent modifications to help ensure Continue to operate over 60 funds in a variety of disease areas. that patients follow their prescribing physicians Increase our presence at more than 25 industry and disease- orders and access the best medical treatments for their specific conferences, where we shared information about ourconditions, regardless of manufacturer or cost. Full programs and services and contributed to timely discussions onand strict regulatory compliance are, and will continue industry-related issues.to be, the cornerstone of our operations. Establish and maintain scores of partnerships with other patient- We are proud to serve as an invaluable safety net for focused non-profits, physicians, pharmacies and other patientthe estimated 44 million underinsured Americans, advocates who were vital partners in communicating our missionhelping to give patients the financial wherewithal and resources. to start or continue critical medical treatments. We Continue to maintain operational efficiency by programmingwill continue to hold true to our mission to provide our grants with an average corporate overhead rate of less thanmedication financial relief to underinsured Americans 2.4%, while never having utilized any donor dollars to pay anyas long as there is a need for our services.administrative fees.PAGE 8 HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 2019 ANNUAL REPORT'